The Beijing Sheraton was a beautiful facility –
one of the newest, most modern in downtown. Once again, Holland America
exceeded our expectations. We were up at 5am – the hotel had a huge buffet
breakfast set up for our group (just what we needed, right?) which included
both Chinese & American offerings. Yes…I strayed from my diet a little.
OK…I strayed a lot! They had a selection of pastries that would’ve brought
tears to the Pillsbury Dough Boy! While packing, we were listening to CNN news
and when the update story about the Hong Kong protests started, the TV went
black. We later learned that the government censors anything negative coming
from the south. We also learned that the government prohibits Facebook,
Twitter, & YouTube – you cannot access them in China…though WE can from the
ship because we use different satellites. Amazing…all social media is blocked.
Sometimes we take so much for granted back home.
The third largest city square in the world,
Tiananmen Square has great cultural significance as the site of many events in
China’s history. The 109-acre expanse is named after Tiananmen Gate, or the
Gate of Heavenly Peace, that separates it from the Imperial Forbidden City to
the north. More on that shortly. Tiananmen Square was originally designed and
built in the mid 1600’s, but has been
enlarged four times since - its current size dates from the 1950s when
renovations started with the aim of making the space capable of accommodating
half-a-million people.
I think most all of us remember where we were and
what we were doing when Kennedy was assassinated or when the twin towers were
destroyed. I remember the Tiananmen
Square Massacre this way:
First, students protest for democracy in Beijing
June of 1989. We were living in Houston at the time. The Chinese government
sends troops and tanks to Tiananmen Square, then the student protesters were
brutally massacred.
In essence, this is a fairly accurate depiction
of what happened, but the situation was much longer-lasting and more chaotic
than my recap suggests. Cheryl and I attended a pre-arrival lecture and learned
the detailed sequence of events. For those of you who may be interested, read
on, but if not, scroll down to the photos...we won't be offended!
The protests actually started in April of 1989,
as public demonstrations of mourning for former Communist Party Secretary
General Hu Yaobang. A high government official's funeral seems like an
unlikely spark for pro-democracy demonstrations and chaos. Nonetheless, by the
time the Tiananmen Square Protests and Massacre were over less than two months
later, up to 7,000 people lay dead.
So...what really happened that spring in Beijing?
Background to Tiananmen, according to our
China's leadership knew that they had to make
changes in order to remain in power, but weren't quite sure what reforms should
they make. The Communist Party leaders split between those who advocated
drastic reforms, including a move toward capitalist economic policies and
greater personal freedoms for Chinese citizens, versus those who favored
careful tinkering with the command economy and continued strict control of the
population. Meanwhile, with the leadership unsure of which direction to
take, the Chinese people hovered in a no-man's land between fear of the
authoritarian state, and the desire to speak out for reform. The
government-instigated tragedies of the previous two decades left them hungry
for change, but aware that the iron fist of Beijing's leadership was always
ready to smash down opposition. China's people waited to see which way the wind
would blow.
Official media made just brief mention of
his death, and the government at first did not plan to give him a state
funeral. In reaction, university students from across Beijing marched on
Tiananmen Square, shouting acceptable, government-approved slogans, and calling
for the rehabilitation of his reputation. Bowing to this pressure, the
government decided to accord Hu Yaobang a state funeral after all. However,
government officials refused to receive a delegation of student petitioners,
who patiently waited to speak with someone for three days at the Great Hall of
the People. This would prove to be the government's first big
mistake. Hu's subdued memorial service took place not long after, and was
greeted by huge student demonstrations involving about 100,000 people.
Hardliners within the government were extremely uneasy about the protests, but
General Secretary Zhao Ziyang believed that the students would disperse once
the funeral ceremonies were over. Zhao was so confident that he took a
week-long trip to North Korea for a summit meeting. The students, however,
were enraged that the government had refused to receive their petition, and
emboldened by the meek reaction to their protests. After all, the Party had
refrained from cracking down on them thus far, and had even caved in to their
demands for a proper funeral for Hu Yaobang. They continued to protest, and
their slogans strayed further and further from the approved texts.
With Zhao Ziyang out of the country, hardliners
in the government such as Li Peng took the opportunity to bend the ear of the
powerful leader of the Party Elders, Deng Xiaoping. Deng was known as a
reformer himself, supportive of market reforms and greater openness, but the
hardliners exaggerated the threat posed by the students. Li Peng even told Deng
that the protesters were hostile to him personally, and were calling for his
ouster and the downfall of the Communist government. (This accusation was a
fabrication, by the way.) Clearly worried, Deng Xiaoping decided to
denounce the demonstrations in an editorial published in People's Daily. He
called the protests dongluan (meaning "turmoil" or
"rioting") by a "tiny minority." These highly emotive terms
were associated with the atrocities of the Cultural Revolution. Rather than
tamping down the students' fervor, Deng's editorial further inflamed it. The
government had just made its second grave mistake.
Not unreasonably, the students felt that they
could not end the protest if it was labeled dongluan, for fear that they would
be prosecuted. Some 50,000 of them continued to press the case that patriotism
motivated them, not hooliganism. Until the government stepped back from that
characterization, the students could not leave Tiananmen Square. But the
government too was trapped by the editorial. Deng Xiaoping had staked his
reputation, and that of the government, on getting the students to back down.
Who would blink first?
About that time, General Secretary Zhao returned
from North Korea to find China transfixed by the crisis. He still felt that the
students were no real threat to the government, though, and sought to defuse
the situation, urging Deng Xiaoping to recant the inflammatory
editorial. Li Peng, however, argued that to step back now would be a fatal
show of weakness by the Party leadership. Meanwhile, students from other
cities poured into Beijing to join the protests. More ominously for the
government, other groups also joined in: housewives, workers, doctors, and even
sailors from the Chinese Navy! The protests also spread to other cities -
Shanghai, Urumqi, Xi'an, Tianjin... almost 250 in all. By early May, the
number of protesters in Beijing had topped 100,000 again. On May 13, the
students took their next fateful step. They announced a hunger strike, with the
goal of getting the government to retract the April 26 editorial. Over a
thousand students took part in the hunger strike, which engendered wide-spread
sympathy for them among the general populace.
The government met in (what they term) an
emergency Standing Committee session the following day. Zhao urged his fellow
leaders to accede to the students' demand and withdraw the editorial. Li Peng
urged a crack-down. The Standing Committee was deadlocked, so the decision
was passed to Deng Xiaoping. The next morning, he announced that he was placing
Beijing under martial law. Zhao was fired and placed under house arrest;
hard-liner Jiang Zemin succeeded him as General Secretary; and fire-brand Li
Peng was then placed in control of the military forces in Beijing. In the
midst of all this turmoil, Soviet Premier and fellow reformer Mikhail Gorbachev
arrived in China for talks with Zhao on May 16. Due to Gorbachev's
presence, a large contingent of foreign journalists and photographers also
descended on the tense Chinese capital. Their reports fueled international
concern and calls for restraint, as well as sympathetic protests in Hong Kong,
Taiwan, and ex-patriot Chinese communities in Western nations. This
international outcry placed even more pressure on the Chinese Communist Party
leadership. Early in the morning on May 19, the deposed Zhao made an
extraordinary appearance in Tiananmen Square. Speaking through a bullhorn, he
told the protesters: "Students, we came too late. We are sorry. You
talk about us, criticize us, it is all necessary. The reason that I came here
is not to ask you to forgive us. All I want to say is that students are getting
very weak, it is the 7th day since you went on hunger strike, you can't
continue like this... You are still young, there are still many days yet to
come, you must live healthy, and see the day when China accomplishes the four
modernizations. You are not like us, we are already old, it doesn't matter to
us any more." It was the last time he was ever seen in public.
Perhaps in response to Zhao's appeal, during the
last week of May tensions eased a bit, and many of the student protesters from
Beijing grew weary of the protest and left the square. However, reinforcements
from the provinces continued to pour into the city. Hard-line student leaders
called for the protest to continue until June 20, when a meeting of the
National People's Congress was scheduled to take place. On May 30, the
students set up a large sculpture called the "Goddess of Democracy"
in Tiananmen Square. Modeled after the Statue of Liberty, it became one of the
enduring symbols of the protest. Hearing the calls for a prolonged
protest, on June 2 the Communist Party Elders met with the remaining members of
the Politburo Standing Committee. They agreed to bring in the People's
Liberation Army (PLA) to clear the protesters out of Tiananmen Square by force.
So on the morning of June 3, 1989, the People's
Liberation Army moved into Tiananmen Square on foot and in tanks, firing tear
gas to disperse the demonstrators. They had been ordered not to shoot the
protesters because afterall, most of them did not carry firearms. The
leadership selected this particular Army because they were from a distant
province; local PLA troops were considered untrustworthy as potential
supporters of the protests. Not only the student protesters, but tens of
thousands of workers and ordinary citizens of Beijing joined together to repel
the Army. They used burned-out buses to create barricades, threw rocks and
bricks at the soldiers, and even burned some tank crews alive inside their
tanks. So you see, the first casualties of the Tiananmen Square Incident were
actually soldiers.
The student protest leadership now faced a
difficult decision. Should they evacuate the Square before further blood could
be shed, or hold their ground? In the end, many of them decided to
remain. That night, around 10:30 pm, the PLA returned to the area around
Tiananmen with rifles & bayonets. The tanks rumbled down the street, firing
indiscriminately. Students shouted "Why are you killing us?" to
the soldiers, many of whom were about the same age as the protesters. Rickshaw
drivers and bicyclists darted through the melee, rescuing the wounded and
taking them to hospitals. In the chaos, a number of non-protesters were killed
as well. Throughout the night of June 3 and early hours of June 4, the
troops beat, bayoneted, and shot protesters. Tanks drove straight into crowds,
crushing people and bicycles under their treads. By 6 a.m. on June 4th, 1989,
the streets around Tiananmen Square had been cleared.
The city lapsed into shock during June 4, with
just the occasional volley of gunfire breaking the stillness. Parents of
missing students pushed their way to the protest area, seeking their sons and
daughters, only to be warned off and then shot in the back as they fled from
the soldiers. Doctors and ambulance drivers who tried to enter the area to help
the wounded were also shot down in cold blood by the PLA. Beijing seemed
utterly subdued the morning of June 5. However, as foreign journalists and
photographers watched from their hotel balconies as a column of tanks trundled
up Chang'an Avenue (the Avenue of Eternal Peace), an amazing thing
happened. A young man in a white shirt and black pants, with shopping bags
in each hand, stepped out into the street and stopped the tanks. The lead tank
tried to swerve around him, but he jumped in front of it again. Everyone
watched in horrified fascination, afraid that the tank driver would lose
patience and drive over the man. At one point, the man even climbed up onto the
tank and spoke to the soldiers inside, reportedly asking them, "Why are
you here? You have caused nothing but misery."
After several minutes, two soilders rushed up to
this young man and hustled him away. His fate is unknown.
However, still images and video of his brave act
were captured by the western press members nearby, and smuggled out for the
world to see. Many news photographers hid the film in the tanks of their hotel
toilets, to save it from searches by the Chinese security
forces. Ironically, the story and the image of this young man and his act
of defiance had the greatest immediate effect thousands of miles away. Inspired
in part by his courageous example, people across the Soviet bloc poured into
the streets. In 1990, beginning with the Baltic states, the republics of the
Soviet Empire began to break away. The USSR collapsed. Nobody knows how
many people died in the Tiananmen Square Massacre. The official Chinese
government figure is 241, but this is almost certainly a drastic undercount.
Between soldiers, protesters and civilians, it seems likely that anywhere from
800 to 7,000 people were killed according to our lecturer. The Chinese Red
Cross initially put the toll at 2,600, based on counts from local hospitals,
but then quickly retracted that statement under intense government
pressure. Some witnesses also stated that the PLA carted away many bodies;
they would not have been included in a hospital count.
The protesters who survived the Tiananmen Square
Incident met a variety of fates. Some, particularly the student leaders, were
given relatively light jail terms (less than 10 years). Many of the professors
and other professionals who joined in were simply black-listed, unable to find
jobs. A large number of the workers and provincial people were executed; exact
figures, as usual, are unknown. Chinese journalists who had published
reports sympathetic to the protesters also found themselves purged and
unemployed. Some of the most famous were sentenced to multi-year prison
terms. As for the Chinese government, June 4, 1989 was a watershed moment.
Reformists within the Communist Party of China were stripped of power and
reassigned to ceremonial roles. Former Premier Zhao Ziyang was never
rehabilitated, and spent his final 15 years under house arrest. Shanghai's
mayor, Jiang Zemin, who had moved quickly to quell protests in that city,
replaced Zhao as the Party's General Secretary. Since that time, political
agitation has been extremely muted in China. The government and the majority of
citizens alike have focused on economic reform and prosperity, rather than
political reform. Because the Tiananmen Square Massacre is a taboo subject,
most Chinese under the age of 25 have never even heard about it. Unbelieveably,
websites that mention the "June 4 Incident" are blocked in all of
China – just like our TV went black in the hotel when the Hong Kong protests
were discussed. Our good friends (Harry & Marylyn) asked their tour guide
where the tank was positioned in the Square…and she wouldn’t provide an answer.
Even decades later, the people and the government
of China have not dealt with this momentous and tragic incident. The memory of
the Tiananmen Square Massacre festers under the surface of everyday life for
those old enough to recall it. Someday, the Chinese government will have to
face this piece of its history.
Some information about the Forbidden City: Lying at the city center and called Gu Gong in
Chinese, it was the imperial palace for twenty-four emperors during the Ming
and Qing dynasties. It was first built throughout 14 years during the reign of
Emperor Chengzu in the Ming Dynasty, and according to my notes, (1368-1644).
Ancient Chinese Astronomers believed that the Purple Star (Polaris) was in the
center of heaven and the Heavenly Emperor lived in the Purple Palace. The
Palace for the emperor on earth was so called the Purple City. It was forbidden
to enter without special permission of the empeor. Hence its name 'The Purple
Forbidden City', usually just... 'The Forbidden City'.
Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the
north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape, it is the world's largest
palace complex and covers 178 acres. Surrounded by a 160-foot-wide moat and a
30-foot-high wall are more than 8,700 rooms. The wall has a gate on each side.
Opposite the Tiananmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Divine Might
(Shenwumen), which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is
2800 feet, while the distance between the east and west gates is 2300 feet - do
you really care about that?! There are unique and delicately structured towers
on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both
the palace and the city outside. It's divided into two parts. The southern
section, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power
over the nation. The northern section, or the Inner Court was where he lived
with his royal family. Until 1924 when the last emperor of China was driven
from the Inner Court, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of
the Qing dynasty had reigned here. Having been the imperial palace for some
five centuries, it houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. Listed by
UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, they say the Palace
Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions world-wide, and when
you see the photos, the crowds will amaze you.
They tell us that construction of the palace
complex began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle reign of the third emperor
(Emperor Chengzu, Zhu Di) of the Ming dynasty. It was completed fourteen years
later in 1420, and then the capital city was moved from Nanjing to Beijing the
next year. It was said that a million workers including one-hundred-thousand
artisans were driven into the long-term hard labor. Stone needed was quarried
from Fangshan District. It was said a well was dug every 150 feet along the
road in order to pour water onto the road in winter to slide huge stones on ice
into the city. Huge amounts of timber and other materials were freighted from
faraway provinces.
Ancient Chinese people displayed their very
considerable skills in building it. Take the grand red city wall for example.
It has an 25-foot-wide base reducing to 20-feet-wide at the top. The angular
shape of the wall totally frustrates attempts to climb it, though our oldest
son could probably do it! The bricks were made from white lime and glutinous
rice while the cement is made from glutinous rice and egg whites. These
incredible materials make the wall extraordinarily strong.
Since yellow is the symbol of the royal family,
it is the dominant color in it. Roofs are built with yellow glazed tiles;
decorations in the palace are painted yellow; even the bricks on the ground are
made yellow by a special process. However, there is one exception. Wenyuange,
the royal library, has a black roof. The reason is that it was believed black
represented water and could extinguish fire.
As you can tell, it was a very long day for us, particularly in view of the short night…but so worth it! We started back toward the ship at 3:00 and pulled into the pier at 6:30. We were told our passports would be brought & distributed to us before leaving the bus. We waited. No passports. We were then told the passports were already on the ship. Oh boy…here we go! After gathering our luggage, we went through customs, then metal detectors, followed by immigration, then normal security screening on the ship. We were supposed to turn our passports in to ship security at that point (as is normal procedure) but had to explain what happened during our Day 1 experience and mix-up. The front office was called and sure enough, our passports were there…safe & sound…but what an aggravation.
That situation aside, our two days were totally awesome in every other respect.
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